Welcome back for tomorrow!

Trust all have had a good break and are ready for the new term. Mr Lyon and the team will make it as smooth and carefree as possible while you await your new head teacher. There will be some staffing changes as we negotiated to have one of the Principal Teachers out each day alongside Mr Lyon as there will be no DHT in the mean time. All staff covering are well known to the school and have taught in these classes before – I was determined to get experience and continuity for your children. A prepared Dojo message is ready for classes affected and teachers, when they are back at work tomorrow and have organised the learning for the day, will send on to parents so you are aware of any changes. No Dojo means your child’s class is not affected by any of the changes!

There is so much to look forward to this term between Sports and health week, leadership celebration for ELC, P3 and P7 pupils, transition events, a whole school maths and numeracy home learning experience and everything else in between. I trust you will all engage in learning and will continue to support the life and work of the school, the learners and all parents, carers and the community.

The Parent Council is doing a fantastic job and you are all in safe hands with them making decisions about future leaders here. Do ask them if you need reassurance about the process and what is happening. I can’t thank them enough for all their care and determination whether it’s a walk to school policy or disco entrance and exit ideas.

The new website is looking good – although I didn’t get as much done as I’d hoped – that’s for the new person but please sign up ready for it to go. Thanks, again, to Chloe for giving her time to set this up.

Smithtonprimary.co.uk who is going to be first to sign up??

Fraser in P7 was an absolute star over the holidays. I liked his stylish ‘man bun’ but he got it chopped off for charity! Over £400 went to Little Princess Trust. So proud of you, Fraser.

Please note we have a new dance club starting P4-7 on Thursdays in the hall 3-4 with Nicola Barclay. Please sign up using the extra curricular form here and if anyone wants to start one of the other clubs please add your child’s name as Mr Lyon and the office staff will be redoing the attendance registers for this term. You do not need to add your child’s name if they are already attending the club – only if this is a new club for them or for dance P4-7.

Finally, then. Thank you having me, some of you for 16 years and some of you for only a few months. This is, indeed, the best job in the world and there is no other school I would want to work in. As you know I was leaving Highland Council and will now be working for a charity that enables 14-30 year olds to get the best out of life. Believe and you will achieve – alongside hard work, determination and confidence. We all want this for our children. Above all and at the root of everything is strong relationships – know you are loved.

Aileen Mackay, HT

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