Last Friday in February…

…and the sun is shining still even at 5.30pm! That has to bring us hope, doesn’t it that the seasons are still going on and a virus will not defeat nature? The moon waxes and wanes…full moon this weekend!

Music Festival this year was a bit different – except for one thing: Smithton still had winners and all participants still showed outstanding commitment and drive – well done all of these people:

P1/2 Adam Markiewicz – commended P1/2 Kaya Mackay – commended

P5 Eva Hood Commended Evie Munro Commended Sam Quirk Commended Gemma Mackay Commended Florian Kolankowski Commended Isla Devlin Commended

P3-P4 Solo Verse Speaking P3NS Millie Gray – Outstanding – 1st Place Kacie Connor – Distinction – 2nd Place Blake Cassels-Gatensby – Distinction – 3rd Place Ewen Robertson – Distinction – 3rd Place Josh Corcoran – Commended Brodie White – Commended Rory Connor – Merit

Primary 7- Poetry Composition and recital

Sophie Stokes- Winner ( Read by Dorothy Lambert P6)

Layla Campbell Runner-up (Read by Dylam MacDonald)

Charlie MacIver- Runner-up ( Read by Freddie Hoare )

Zara Petrie- Distinction- (Read by Aaron Cranstoun)

Gracie Livingstone – Distinction ( Read by herself)

Red Nose Day – 19th March – advanced warning. We’re going to have a dress down day but in class the children will be creating a superhero mask and imagining their superhero powers. Staff are organising a number of events during the day so, like Children in Need, if you want to donate £1 please put it in an envelope so we can put in a tub without handling immediately. Thank you!

Before Comic Relief Day we have World Book Day…but with a difference next week. We will have Smithton Book Week instead! P4-7 have their learning grids book focused and nursery – P3 will have a book centred session each day as weel. Because it’s going to last the week we are going to have a PJ day on Friday instead of Thursday so feel free to come in your onesies, pyjamas and dressing gowns, etc. P4-7 you still need to wash when you get up – don’t just stay in your jammies! £1 book tokens will be issued next week.

We have been shocked and saddened by the loss of two of our dads in the community in the last week or so. We will always look out for young people who have had tragedies in their lives but also their friends and their families, too. If you are finding it difficult to explain to your children if they have been affected please do get in touch with us at school as we can help you. We are a family and care about each and every one.

A few photos to round up the week from P2s engrossed in their learning on the floor to music festival and P3 impressionist Manet inspired paintings. A parent suggested reading The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse again this week. You may remember Gabriel in P7 reading this to us just before Christmas? It’s a nice way to start our weekend so click here if you want to snuggle up together on the sofa and read this together, this time with the author reading it. It was part of our assembly today but I thought nursery – P3 families might like to see it again here.

Keep hold of each other and as one of the lines in the book reads, ‘Life is difficult but you are loved.’

Aileen Mackay, HT

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